Friday, April 05, 2019

Cubans have indeed left their footprints across America

Remember that folk song "Where have all the flowers gone"?

Well, some Cuban artist should consider one called "Where have all the Cubans gone"?

Fernando Hernandez' "The Cubans: Our footprints across America" will tell you about a lot of Cubans and their stories.

One of my favorite Cuban stories is Marta Darby, also known as the #1 Cuban food lady in the US.  Marta is a great example of a young girl who came to the US and reconnected to her Cuban roots by cooking.   (I'm sure that her husband and family are very happy about that)

My other favorite Cuban story is Camilo Pascual, my boyhood baseball idol and the "author" of one of the best "curve balls" in baseball history.  Pascual had great seasons with the Senators/Twins.   He was one of the best right handed pitchers in baseball between 1960-65.  I repeat that his "curve ball" was legendary as any hitter of that era will confirm.

Get yourself a copy of this fun book.  You will enjoy Fernando's research and learn a thing or two about "Cubanos". 

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.