Monday, August 13, 2018

October 2007: Guess who is winning in Iraq?

A post from October 2007:

According to Harry Reid, the war is lost. Yet, don't tell that to Al Qaeda. It looks more and more like US troops are breaking up the terrorist group:
"So the jihadists are facing "harsh realities" including the defection of large numbers of their countrymen who are joining in the current "offensive," with the result that the insurgency is in a state of "crisis" and "disaster." Quick, someone tell the Democrats!" (The Harsh Realities of Iraq)
Who is losing? It sounds like the surge is in fact breaking down Al Qaeda.

Of course, it's too easy to credit the surge. In fact, we have been doing some real harm to Al Qaeda since 2003.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.