Saturday, August 18, 2018

October 2007: The facts are not with Gore on global warming!

Image result for al gore cartoons

A post from October 2007:

We need a rational discussion on global warming. We need science not more political talking points.

On this score, Al Gore is a failure. He fails with the facts.

In Gore Wins, Facts Lose, Tony Blankley destroys the movie and Gore's presentation:
"Until then, take comfort in knowing that Al Gore's warning about the shrinking population of polar bears is also wrong; their population is rising.

The award Gore truly deserves (and the one for which I hereby nominate him is): Best Scary Campfire Storyteller. (He should beat out the hook on the car window story handily.)"
We need a rational discussion of global warming. Al Gore is contributing to global warming with a lot of hot air!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.