Tuesday, August 28, 2018

March 2008: Ohio is to blame for Ohio

Image result for obama clinton nafta cartoons

A post from March 2008

It's so easy to blame NAFTA for Ohio's economic problems. Just listen to Obama and Clinton. Yet, it's a lot more difficult for Clinton and Obama to explain how Texas is booming and Ohio isn't.

The WSJ has a great editorial entitled Texas v. Ohio:
"So tomorrow the eyes of America will be on these two states moving in different directions.

Ohio has an economy burdened by high taxes and work rules that impose heavy costs on employers.

Texas embraces free trade, keeps taxes low, doesn't impose unions on business and has tooled itself for 21st century global competition.

Ohioans may not like to hear this, but for any company considering where to locate a new plant or move an existing one, the choice between Ohio and Texas isn't even a close call.
The challenge for our national economy in a world of competition is to become more like Texas and less like Ohio."
Of course, we won't hear this from Obama and Clinton. They are busy pandering for votes in Ohio. Worse than that, they are not telling voters what it will really take turn Ohio around.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.