Friday, August 24, 2018

Let the voters decide rather than these politically motivated investigations...........

Image result for ballot box images

This is a headline from New York:  "Cuomo administration opens probe into Trump Foundation, officials say....."

Let me ask:  Why didn't they open this investigation when Mr. Trump was a private citizen?  

Could it be because Mr. Trump donated to New York Democrats?  Well, he did:  $8,900 to Senator Schumer, $30,900 to Governor Cuomo and others.

No one is above the law but these attacks on President Trump are over the top.  After all, what does this have to do with Russia interfering with the election? 

US voters elected Mr. Trump in 2016.  US voters will get another chance in November and later in 2020.  

Let the voters decide rather than these politically motivated investigations.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.