Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How did the Jacksonville killer pass a background check?

Once again, we hear the "we need gun laws" refrain.

How did the Jacksonville killer pass a background check?   

We've learned that the young man had been treated for mental illness, according to news reports:  
The suspect in a deadly shooting at a Florida video game tournament had previously been hospitalized for mental illness, according to court records in his home state of Maryland reviewed by The Associated Press.
Divorce filings from the parents of 24-year-old David Katz of Baltimore say that as an adolescent he was twice hospitalized in psychiatric facilities and was prescribed antipsychotic and antidepressant medications.
The records show Katz’s parents disagreed on how to care for their troubled son, with his father claiming his estranged wife was exaggerating symptoms of mental illness as part of their long and bitter custody battle. The couple divorced in 2007.
So we want new laws?  Why aren't we enforcing the laws we have?  Why is a young man with mental health story allowed to buy a gun?

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