Friday, July 20, 2018

April 2009: They love Obama but say "no" to his request for troops

A post from April 2009:

Even President Obama can't spin or "hope and change" this one!

This is embarrassing!

This is a joke!

This is "something" that I can't print in a family blog.

POLITICO explains it this way:
"Warmly greeted by European leaders and the public alike as a welcome relief from his predecessor, Obama’s appeal hasn’t enabled to him to bridge differences on key economic and military issues with American allies.

Obama left the G-20 summit in London without securing any further commitment by individual countries to enact more stimulus spending.

And Saturday he departs from NATO’s gathering in this French-German border town without a pledge by allies to send further combat troops to Afghanistan to bolster the American military surge there."
The US, UK and Canada will continue to fight the Afghan war.

The rest of NATO will send some translators to help out the effort.

I don't minimize the importance of non-military personnel. I'm OK with that.

We probably could use more translators.

However, this is a war, and a very rough war.

President Obama left Europe empty handed indeed.

He got some translators but not soldiers.

Pres Obama was looking for soldiers because our volunteer army is stretched thin at the moment!    He got nothing!

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.