Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 2007: Talk radio is a business not a right wing conspiracy

(A post from June 2007)

In the late 1980's, most AM stations were dying in the US. They could not compete with FM stations over music formats. After all, who wants to hear music on the AM band rather than FM?

Rush Limbaugh and talk radio saved the AM dial. Limbaugh started a trend ("opinions on the radio") and it literally saved the AM dial and created lots of jobs all over the US radio. Today, Limbaugh reaches 20 million people. Sean Hannitty reaches over 10 million listeners!

Why is talk radio conservative? I don't know for sure but it is. The best answer is that conservative talk radio has listeners and liberal talk radio does not.

Question: What's wrong with that? The liberals have not been able to succeed on the radio. Why blame conservatives for that? Blame the liberals!

At the end of the day, privately owned radio stations respond to listeners and the advertisers. Radio is a business except for NPR which is subsidized by the federal government.

Why blame conservatives? Blame the liberals who are not supporting liberal hosts!

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.