Friday, June 29, 2018

How about an up-and-down vote on abolishing ICE?

Image result for Immigration CE images
The Democrats’ latest talking point is about abolishing ICE. In fact, some Democrats are introducing legislationto that effect:   
A Democratic congressman introduced legislation to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), calling the agency “heartless.”
“ICE is tearing apart families and ripping at the moral fabric of our nation,” Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) said in a statement. “Unfortunately, President Trump and his team of white nationalists, including Stephen Miller, have so misused ICE that the agency can no longer accomplish its goals effectively.”
“The heartless actions of this abused agency do not represent the values of our nation and the U.S. must develop a more humane immigration system, one that treats every person with dignity and respect.”
Add to this that the idea has now became an issue in New York, where Cynthia Nixon is challenging Governor Andrew Cuomo and an outsider upset Rep. Joseph Crowley. Nixon calls ICE “a terrorist organization“.    
So let’s do it the right way.  Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should call for a vote. Force every Democrat to vote up or down on this issue.    
My guess is that a vote to abolish ICE will go down and not get many votes, specially from those red-state Democrats seeking reelection in Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, and West Virginia. It won’t play well with centrist Democrats trying to win House seats this fall.
It won’t play well either with the agents handling a horrible situation on the border, nor with honest Americans who can distinguish between a terrorist organization and ICE.
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