Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Let's get ready for more of Adrian Beltre as DH

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Let's get ready for more of Adrian Beltre as DH.    

In other words, his days as a full time third baseman may be over.   At this point, Beltre swinging the bat 3-4 times a game may be the only way to keep him in the lineup.    

For the moment, rookie Isiah Kiner-Falefa will play third.  Unfortunately, he is not a solution.   He is a better utility player.   

Moving Gallo to third would open up left field for Ryan Rua or Willie Calhoun.      At the same time, do you want Joey Gallo as your third baseman of the future?    Wasn't he groomed to play first base?

Bottom line:   Beltre's glove days are probably over.  

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