Thursday, May 03, 2018

Did someone update Joy Behar about the NBC correction

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We remember how Joy Behar reacted to Brian Ross' breaking story about Michael Flynn & President Trump.   It cost Ross his reputation and it caused Joy Behar to make a fool for herself.

Another day and another bombshell has to be corrected.    

Let me ask:  Did someone update Joy Behar about the NBC correction:   
The correction was announced on MSNBC during "Meet the Press Daily" by the story's lead reporter, Tom Winter. He said US officials had told him that it "was not a wiretap" but instead a "pen register."
"In plain English, that means it was a log of phone calls that were made from specific phone line -- from a specific phone line or specific phone lines," Winter said.
Calling it an "important distinction," Winter explained that a pen register meant authorities were "not able to listen in in real-time or record his conversations." Instead, they were only able to monitor incoming and outgoing calls. Winter's initial story cited two sources with knowledge of legal proceedings involving Cohen.
Soon after Winter corrected his report on MSNBC, the story was corrected online and an editor's note was appended to it.
"NBC News has changed the headline and revised parts of the original article," the note said.
Another bombshell that has to be corrected later.   Maybe someone should check their sources.

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