Friday, April 20, 2018

March 2007: Young girls in trouble

A post from March 2007:

As the father of 3 sons, I watch cautiously what is happening with girls. Frankly, it's not pretty. Our society is hurting young girls with too much sex, too much "let me dress like a woman" and not enough fathers around.

Today, I read Calling All Fathers: Save the Girls by Kathleen Parker. It raises questions about our society and young girls:
"We shouldn't need a scientific study to tell us that sexualizing children is damaging, but apparently common sense isn't what it used to be. We can now assert with confidence that most of the primarily girl pathologies -- eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression -- can be linked to an oversexualization that encourages girls to obsess about body image and objectify themselves."
Our society is hurting young girls by creating false physical expectations. At the same time, too many fathers are not around to serve as a good male role model for their confused daughters.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.