Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Here is a bit of information about Facebook and campaign contributions

Image result for obama zuckerberg images

Here is a bit of information about Facebook and campaign contributions.

This is from RCI:   
According to OpenSecrets.org, a site that tracks political contributions, Facebook-affiliated donors have given liberally to candidates at the federal level – liberally indeed:   Since the 2006 election cycle, they have given roughly twice as much to Democrats ($4.6 million) as Republicans ($2.3 million).
In the 2012 presidential cycle, they gave nearly five times more to Barack Obama ($95,107) than to Mitt Romney ($20,100) - as Facebook was also evidently assisting Obama's online efforts.   For 2016 they bestowed about 100 times more money on Hillary Clinton ($478,466) than on Donald Trump ($4,815), notwithstanding any help the latter got from Cambridge Analytica's mining of Facebook data. 
As individual donors, Zuckerberg and his Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg leaned in to elections in recent years with thousands in donations primarily to Democrats, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senators Michael Bennet, Claire McCaskill, Mark Warner, Ron Wyden and Cory Booker, among others.
Of course, Zuckerberg and others at Facebook can contribute to anyone that they want.    At the same time, please don't insult our intelligence by pretending to be neutral.

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