Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Summer 2006: Get well, Pres. Ford

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A post from 2006:

Back in the summer of 2006. we learned that Pres. Ford underwent an angioplasty procedure at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.

Did you know:

Pres. Ford was born Leslie Lynch King Jr., the son of Leslie Lynch King and Dorothy Ayer Gardner King, in Omaha, Neb.

The Kings separated two weeks later, and his mother took him to Grand Rapids, Mich., to live with her parents.

On Feb. 1, 1916, his mother married Gerald R. Ford, a Grand Rapids paint salesman. They begin calling the boy Gerald R. Ford Jr.

His name was legally changed in 1935.

Also, on June 1935, he graduated from the University of Michigan with majors in economics and political science. Ford played center and linebacker for the Wolverines. He turned down contract offers from the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers of the NFL and attend Yale University Law School.

So Pres. Ford turned down offers from the Packers and Lions? How often has that happened.

We send our warmest greetings to Pres. Ford, a very decent man recovering this weekend.