Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Wanted: Support for the women of Iran

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We are happy that President Trump is talking about the marchers in Iran. We are even happier to hear that the regime is concerned about its survival. 
I agree with Stephen Miller:
The most striking images coming out of the Iran human rights protests are not of men – they are of women.  And while American media [were] slow and even hesitant to pick up that anything at all was actually happening – this, while protests ignited for what is now six full days around Iran, nine years after the Green Movement protests began – Twitter was flooded with videos and photos on the ground, in defiance of the Iranian regime’s social media policy.
It is remarkable to see the young people and the women on the streets, as the article explains:
Every one of these searing images [is] of women.  Women are the predominant face of this blossoming revolution.  Women are risking the most to speak out against the Iranian [m]ullahs.  So the question must be asked: [w]here are the women’s movement[-]supporters in the United States and Europe, which gathered en masse to protest a newly inaugurated American president last year? 
More specifically, empowered by the cultural muscle of #MeToo celebrity leaders and Women’s March[-]organizers such as Linda Sarsour: [w]hy are you silent?  If these nameless women can speak out in the face of true tyranny, risking actual imprisonment and death, why can’t you?
Iranian women are not adorning pink knitted hats, or costumes resembling female genitalia.  They won’t be attending award shows.  They aren’t wearing red cloaks and bonnets inspired by their favorite Netflix show.  No, these brave women are caught on videotape and in photographs for the world to see, and the women’s movements have yet to barely offer so much as a tweet or a Facebook post of support.  The official Women’s March Twitter account has tweeted exactly zero times in support of women protesting in Iran.  Zero.
Has anyone heard from President Obama?  He took a little vacation back in 2009 and did not really take sides on the street confrontations.  It certainly sent a signal that he would not challenge the regime, no matter how poorly it treated its people.
Today, the regime, which President Obama went out of his way to sign a deal with, is as harsh as ever.  At what point will President Obama say he is disappointed or wishes we had demanded more from Iran?
And finally, where are the feminists standing with the sisters of Tehran?  They must be busy planning their next march against Trump.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.