Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Too busy thinking about Nixon!

Image result for pentagon papers

Like the Marvin Gaye song ("Too busy thinking about my baby"), some in the media and Democrats are too busy thinking about everything Nixon.   They can not stop writing books or making movies about it.

Enter Kyle Smith, who wrote a post about it:   
What is going on is that, like the flabby 59-year-old who can’t stop telling you how he scored the winning touchdown in high school, liberals can’t stop reliving the Watergate era. 
To them, Watergate stands for the twin milestones, never approached since, of taking out a Republican president and making heroes out of liberal reporters.
Wouldn't it be nice if they go that excited about Benghazi or the IRS going after conservative groups?    Nevertheless, too much Nixon gives them another escape from the real reasons that Mrs. Clinton lost in 2016!