Monday, January 08, 2018

Katie Nolan doubles down on stupid

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For the record, I did not know who Katie Nolan was until the recent headlines. Frankly, I’ve tuned out ESPN for a lot of reasons, and too much unsolicited politics is one of them. Remember when you’d tune in to watch ESPN’s Sunday night NFL summary and love the highlights?
Back to Katie Nolan, the latest victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome:    
Recent ESPN hire Katie Nolan blasted President Trump with some pretty disparaging remarks on Wednesday night, and her new employer is not happy.
While appearing on Viceland’s talk show “Desus and Mero,” the 30-year-old sports talker called POTUS a “f—ing stupid person.”      
Nolan clamored to cover up her harsh words, saying she was on “medicine” because she had the flu. 
While Nolan’s comments occured on a talk show and not on Twitter or Facebook, her attempt to quickly explain away her outburst may have been due in part to ESPN’s social media guidelines for journalists, implemented after fellow network employee Jemele Hill called Trump a “white supremacist” on Twitter.
Maybe Katie should call in sick when she has the flu!
The real problem is that Katie Nolan has apparently accepted the “meme” that bashing President Trump is a career enhancer, much the way we saw with the ridiculous attacks on President Bush.
The left is out of control and people like Katie Nolan are not helping the cause.
It’s time for serious Democrats to take people like Nolan out of circulation!

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.