Monday, January 08, 2018

February 2006: I like McCain-Romney in 2008

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A post from February 2006:

Will we see a McCain-Romney ticket in 2008?

Deborah Orin writes in the NY Post that McCain and conservatives are starting to like each other.   More specifically, conservatives are getting over McCain "maverickism".

Frankly, I have never understood the rift with McCain. In every way, McCain is a conservative. His views on the war on terror are on target. His POW past gives him a special status with the public.

Therefore, let me put the idea on the table.

McCain-Romney would rip any Democrat ticket, specially one headed by a Northeastern liberal Senator.

McCain would have great appeal to so called moderates and make the ticket competitive in blue states. Romney would be a hit in red states.

So a McCain-Romney ticket could win 40 states. We have not seen a candidate do that since Bush beat Dukakis in '88.

McCain-Romney in 2008 looks like a winner to me!