Friday, January 05, 2018

December 2005: If you love Che, you do not love freedom

Image result for che is dead images

Back in December 2005, The New York Sun published a wonderful commentary on the latest Che exhibition in New York. 

Once again, let me say it over and over again: If you love Che, you do not love freedom.

I understand that most of the visitors had little information on Che's life. 

The New York Sun did a good job of updating Che's story.

My favorite line from the article was this:

"Che's picture was certainly not displayed during the Solidarity protests in Poland in the 1980s or in the Tiananmen Square demonstration in China in 1989, when men and women genuinely hazarded their lives for freedom."
That's right.

Che continues to be very popular with the anti-US crowd. He is not very respected by those who lived under communism, such as the Polish workers or Chinese dissidents.

Che was a killer. He did not hold a single election or tolerate any dissent.      

P.S. Don't forget to check out Humberto Fontova's book: