Thursday, January 04, 2018

By mid-year, Raul will be wishing that he had died before Fidel!

Image result for raul castro cartoons

Raul is in charge but can’t retire or walk away from the mess that his brother created.
Fidel was lucky. He could always count on a large number of useful Western leftists who put their hatred of the US above their love for the Cuban people. In other words, they loved Fidel because he was the ultimate “anti-yanki”!   It was cool and cost-free to hang around with Fidel.
In reality, these leftists did not like Castro. They hated the US!
Raul has not been so lucky.  He has to work with China, a country that wants to get paid!
Worse than that, Raul never had a relationship with the Cuban people. He was always in the background and largely unknown to the public.
Raul will be very lonely as the curtain comes down on these two corrupt and criminal brothers!
By mid-year, Raul will be wishing that he had died before Fidel!
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.