Wednesday, January 03, 2018

2008 and Obama-mania...........

Image result for obama messiah cartoons

Back in February 2008, a liberal wrote this:
"I’m nervous because too many Obama-philes sound like Moonies, or Hare Krishnas, or the Hale-Bopp-Is-Coming-To-Get-Me nuts!! 
These true believers “Obama-ize” everything.

They speak Obama-ese.

Knit for Obama. Run for Obama.

Gamble - Hold ’Em Barack! - for Obama.

They make Obama cakes, underwear, jewelry.

They send Valentine cards reading, “I want to Barack your world!
At campaign rallies people scream, cry, even faint as Obama calmly calls for the EMTs. When supporters pant en masse, “I love you!” (like The Beatles, circa 1964), Barack says, “I love you back” with that deliciously charming, almost cocky smile. 
Oh - I’m nervous because it’s all gone to his head and he hasn’t even won yet."

It gets better. 

Read the full report: When backing Barack feels like joining a cult By Margery Eagan!