Saturday, July 01, 2017

Saturday's thoughts and remembering that we left Cuba this weekend in 1964.

Tags: Immigration and  Democrats, Trump tweets vs Democrats, Our family left Cuba in 1964 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

No need to tweet about TV hosts with low ratings

Put me down as someone who agrees with the latest Fox poll:  
Seventy-one percent say the president’s tweets are hurting his agenda, according to the latest Fox News Poll.  Just 17 percent see the tweets as helpful.    
Beyond the distractions, what is the point of getting into a “tweet fight” with TV hosts with very low ratings.
I understand that President Trump “tweets” to go around the media. Frankly, the “tweets” do give him the opportunity to set the talking points or what the pundits will talk about. I get that!
So why not “tweet” about issues, such as the collapsing ObamaCare, or the growing North Korean threat, or the meetings he may be having with foreign visitors or lots of other things?
Again, what is the point of turning “Joe & Mika” into celebrities?
In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve caught “Morning Joe” a couple of times. It’s not something I watch regularly, but frankly I’m not a morning TV person anyway. I usually have things to do at that time of the time.   
Despite a recent “surge”, it is still not that important of a show:    
In May, “Morning Joe” was up 56% over its 2016 total viewer average to a Nielsen 1.06 million total average viewers. 
The show is also up 53% among key 25-54 viewers to 254,000. 
For all of 2016, the show averaged 677,000 viewers and 166,000 adult viewers ages 25-54.
So President Trump is going to get into a fight with a show that reaches 1 million viewers? Doesn’t President Trump understand that the criticisms are “bait” to get him to reply? 
It makes no sense, Mr. President. Let these people criticize you all day long and focus on the other 320 million Americans who don’t have a clue who “Joe & Mika” are.
Even Rachel Maddow, the place where all of the anti-Trumpistas go for the latest conspiracy theories, drew 2.5 million last month.
Memo to President Trump:  You are never going to reach those “2.5 Maddowistas” no matter how much tweet or “counterpunch” as your supporters like to say.
We like a feisty president. We don’t like a president who turns his critics into “victims” because he punches back every time.
There are some big issues on President Trump’s plate. We want to support the President and see him succeed. Unfortunately, getting into a war with “Joe & Mika” only benefits Joe & Mika!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk), (YouTube) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Trump and tweets  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!