Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The fence is a sign of frustration not hatred of immigrants!

Image result for border wall images

Mexico is not happy with all of the talk about the fence or border wall. 

The fence or border wall is a sign of frustration.  

Mexico's political class believes that its citizens are entitled to go to the US.    

Beyond that, Mexico is getting addicted to the billions of dollars flowing south.  It is now the second or third largest source of cash for the Mexican economy.

Mexico's politicians have avoided all of the tough issues because they can export their people and import their "remittances".   It is a sweet short term deal but not a good one for the long term health of Mexico.

It's time for the political class south of the border to stop shouting and start making the structural changes that will keep Mexicans in Mexico.

The US-Mexico border has a long and complicated history, to say the least: