Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Kennedy & Clinton: Why did so many Dem women look the other way?

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Sen Kennedy died in 2009.

Not long ago, we saw this article about Kennedy and women: KENNEDY'S FREE PASS WITH WOMEN

How did a man, who showed so little respect for women in his private life, enjoy so much support from Democrat women?

Check this:
"Perhaps, along with the hagiographic Kennedy myth, we can bury this outdated tradition of excusing the reprehensible treatment of women by the same male legislators who otherwise advocate for our rights politically.

It's degrading.

It's like making excuses for the husband who beats you up but pays the bills on time."
We saw something similar in 1998-99.

During the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, the feminists stood with President Clinton because of abortion.  They simply couldn't break their bond with a president who supported abortion.     

For a look back, check these books: