Friday, December 29, 2017

Cheney drove the libs mad!

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Dick Cheney was selected by George W. Bush because he would make a great Vice President.

Normally, presidential candidates nominate a VP to balance the ticket or add a state.

For example, Bill Clinton selected Al Gore because he needed a partner who served in Vietnam, had a good reputation as a husband and supported the First Gulf War. 

In 2000, Bush was not concerned about carrying Wyoming. Yet, he was aware of future challenges and how a man like Cheney would enhance the team.

Of course, Cheney drove liberals mad, too.

So let's go with
Diagnosis: Cheney By Charles Krauthammer:
"If there's a diagnosis to be made here, it is this: yet another case of the one other syndrome I have been credited with identifying, a condition that addles the brain of otherwise normal journalists and can strike without warning -- Bush Derangement Syndrome, Cheney Variant."