Friday, December 29, 2017

A post from 2007: Why does anyone believe the Cuban government anyway?

Image result for fidel castro cartoons

For years, the Castro dictatorship has promoted lies.

For example, lie # 1 is that Cuba was a backward country in desperate need of a tropical Robin Hood. Sorry, that's not true! Pre-Castro Cuba had problems (what country didn't in 1959?) but mass poverty was not one of them.

Lie # 2 is that Cuba did not have doctors or health care until Fidel graciously gave us his wonderful system. Sorry, that's not true.

Lie # 3 is Cuba's life expectancy.  Sorry, Cubans are not living longer, as IBD explained in full detail. The Cuban government is playing with numbers.

Frankly, I'm not surprised that the Castro regime would lie about its numbers. What amazes me is that the world's media is so gullible to fall for the regime's lies!