Friday, December 29, 2017

A post about Dr. Biscet a dissident in Cuba

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Down in Cuba, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet will spend another day as a dissident.     He was once a very famous political prisoner and inspired articles like this one.

Jeff Jacoby wrote a great column entitled A hero in Castro's gulag:
"A prolife Christian physician, Biscet first ran afoul of the Castro regime in the 1990s, when he investigated Cuban abortion techniques - Cuba has by far the highest abortion rates in the Western Hemisphere - and revealed that numerous infants had been killed after being delivered alive.

In 1997, he began the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights, which seeks "to establish in Cuba a state based on the rule of law" and "sustained upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

In 1999, he was given a three-year sentence for "disrespecting patriotic symbols." To protest the regime's repression, he had hung a Cuban flag upside down.
For decades, various American journalists and celebrities have rhapsodized about Castro's supposed island paradise, resolutely ignoring the mountains of evidence that it is in reality a tropical dungeon.

Intent on seeing Castro as a revolutionary hero and Cuba as Shangri-la, they avert their gaze from the island's genuine heroes - the prisoners of conscience like Biscet, who pay a fearful price for their insistence on telling the truth."
So where is the American left? Why aren't they speaking out against this man's mistreatment? Are they looking the other way because Dr. Bicet opposes abortion?