Friday, December 29, 2017

2010: Paul McCartney got a bad case of BDS!

Image result for blame bush cartoons

Back in June 2010, Paul McCartney was given a special and well deserved award at The White House.

He even sang "Michelle" to the First Lady. 

So far so good! I love Paul's music too!

However, Paul could not contain himself and proceeded to a very bad display of BDS, or Bush Derangement Syndrome
: "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush".

Someone should tell Paul that he was at The White House and attending a non-partisan event.

Paul was not attending a fundraiser in San Francisco. He was being honored by the American people.

It was not a political event!

Check this idiotic statement by Paul:

"After the last eight years, it’s great to have a President who knows what a library is,” McCartney quipped."
Is that tasteless or what?

Beyond a lack of class, we remind Paul that President Bush was a voracious reader, a Harvard MBA and Mrs. Bush worked as a librarian in West Texas.