Saturday, September 30, 2017

2010: Pres BO needs to explain why a terrorist was put in a civilian court!

Image result for detroit shoe bomber cartoons

We've said it before. We will say it again.

The war on terror is not a conventional war. We are not fighting an army with armored units or an air force.

We are instead fighting terrorists who kill ruthlessly and try to intimidate the public with horrific acts, such as blowing up an airplane landing in Detroit.

How do you fight these people?

You have to show them that you are serious and will fight back without hesitation.

We saw that from Pres Bush and VP Cheney.

So far, we have not seen that side of Pres BO!

Perhaps, we will see it in the future. We have not so far!

On Thursday, Pres BO said that "we are at war"!

OK.....When are we going to start acting like it?

We have not seen a president who will protect the country at any cost!

Let's look at how Pres BO initially reacted to this.

He waited a few days to make unspecific remarks about what they called an "isolated extremist".

He came back a few days later and admitted that the terrorist had connections to Al Qaeda.

Let's look at Pres BO's stubbornness over closing GITMO.

Shouldn't he admit that it was a stupid campaign promise and move on?

After all, most US voters do not want GITMO to close and have these terrorists held indefinitely on the mainland.

Also, Pres BO's promise to close GITMO did not prevent the recruiting of this young man. Or the killing at Ft Hood!

Also, what was "the recruiting tool" between 1993, the first attack on the World Trade Center, and 9-11?

Let's look at how the Obama administration is treating the Nigerian young man who tried to blow up an aircraft landing in Detroit.
Michael B. Mukasey was attorney general of the United States from 2007 to 2009. He does not understand Pres BO's decision to put this terrorist in our civilian courts:
"Holding Abdulmutallab for a time in military custody, regardless of where he is ultimately to be charged, would have been entirely lawful—even in the view of the current administration, which has taken the position that it needs no further legislative authority to hold dangerous detainees even for a lengthy period in the United States." (WSJ)

Some critics were calling for Pres BO to show anger or fire somebody.

We don't need fake passion or anger. We don't need dismissals for the sake of dismissals.

We need a president who understands that we are at war.

Frankly, a war president does not grant constitutional rights to terrorists who try to blow up airplanes and kill innocent people!