Thursday, September 21, 2017

2005: Clinton and his Kyoto fantasies

Image result for bill clinton kyoto cartoons
In 2005, Bill Clinton spoke at the Kyoto conference and criticized Pres. Bush again:
"we could meet and surpass the Kyoto targets in a way that would strengthen and not weaken our economies." (AP)
There are two problems with this statement.

First, it violates once again our long tradition of former presidents staying out of politics.   Once again, Clinton has criticized Bush outside of the US.   How low can this man go?

Second, Clinton is very dishonest.

What did Clinton do about the Kyoto treaty?

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Perhaps, we should remember what Michael Moore, who supported Ralph Nader over Al Gore in 2000, wrote in 2001:

"But, please, let's cut the crap and tell the truth: George W. Bush has done little more than CONTINUE the policies of the last eight years of the Clinton/Gore administration. As hard as that is for many to swallow, that is the truth -- and the sooner you stop the scare campaign, the sooner we'll be able to fight Bush in a way that will stop him for good.For eight long years, Clinton/Gore resisted all efforts and recommendations to reduce the carbon dioxide in the air and the arsenic in the water." 
Where were American liberals in the late 90's?    They weren't working to ratify Kyoto!