Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A great speech!

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President Trump and Europe: What challenges does he face?

Guest: Michael Prada, conservative activist and writer..........we will discuss the challenges that President Trump faces in Europe...........the rise of violence in Germany and Sweeden..........the growth of nationalist parties.......the economic challenges....and talk of more countries looking to get out of the EU.........plus a few thought about the first month of President Trump..................

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Tags: Immigration surge in Europe, violence in Europe, Sweeden and violence, Germany and refugees To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Schumer in a mess

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Is Obamacare really suddenly popular?


The media, in the tank for Democrats, are now peddling a new story.  They want you to believe that Obamacare is suddenly popular.
First, they are showing reports of GOP politicians doing town hall meetings.  Last week, a huge crowd of Obamacare supporters showed up at Senator Cotton’s visit to Arkansas.  They all had the same placards, screamed the same thing, and want you to believe that they’d be victims of an Obamacare repeal.
Not so fast.  There aren’t really that many Democrats in Arkansas.  I’d love to see a residency check.  Or the Democrats should ask for a recount!
Second, they are now back into polls.  Remember the polls that had Hillary Clinton winning 400 electoral votes?
The latest poll is analyzed by our friends at American Spectator:
It will thus be very difficult for anyone capable of critical thinking to believe these very same “news” outlets when they report that a law whose approval numbers have been underwater by double digits for more than six years has suddenly become as popular as Adele. 
It will be likewise difficult for anyone with an IQ exceeding single digits to believe a Democrat polling firm like Public Policy Polling (PPP) when they claim to discover a sudden increase in public esteem for a Democrat-sponsored health “reform” law that has historically been reviled by the electorate.
Yes, the people who told us Mrs. Clinton would win by a landslide are now telling GOP members of Congress not to touch the suddenly popular Obamacare.
To be fair, part of the problem is that the public debate has been more about repealing rather than replacing.  It’s time for the GOP leadership to put something on the table and cut off this nonsense that people will be thrown out of hospitals because they can’t pay or some other dramatic outcome.
Let me agree with the author and add this: any GOP politician in Washington who chickens out and falls for these crappy polls has a lot of explaining to do.   
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Latin America stories plus politics of immigration with Fausta Rodriguez Wertz

Guest:   Fausta Rodriguez Wertz, the editor of Fausta's Blog.........we will look at the big stories from Latin America...............the president of Peru visited President Trump......Rosa Maria Paya in Cuba...........more arrests in Cuba....a runoff in Ecuador is a bit of surprise.........Secretary of State in Mexico......immigration raids and protests...........plus a look back at the Oscars.......

Tags: Immigration raids, Mexico and illegal immigration, Venezuela, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Why is President Trump turning CNN into a victim?

It’s a bad idea to keep any news organization from press briefings, even though Sean Spicer said that “….there was no intent to exclude specific news organizations”.
Nevertheless, the Trump administration just gave a bunch of media outfits with low ratings, or declining readership, a chance to get a lot of undeserved publicity.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich defended the White House. My take is closer to Dr. Krauthammer, who expressed concern.
I get the point that many in the media are completely irresponsible. At the same time, it looks like most Americans get it too. In the real world, people express their love or hate of a news organization with their TV remotes or subscriptions. In this case, the remote is not flipping to CNN in most households.
Americans are not watching CNN, as the ratings prove:    
Total Viewers (Live +SD)
Total day:   FNC: 2.055 | CNN: 824 | MSNBC: 1.067 | HLN: 224
Primetime: FNC: 3.314 | CNN: 1.141 | MSNBC: 2.034 | HLN: 251
I am not an expert on TV ratings analysis. At the same time, you don’t have to be a genius to figure out which network charges more for their time.    
Based on this weekly sample, FNC (Fox News) is beating CNN by a factor of three in prime time. CNN is behind MSNBC, or the baseball equivalent of losing more games than the ’62 Mets.
CNN is already failing. So why turn them into a victim? I understand the White House’s anger about the coverage and they’d like to always punch back.
But what’s the point of hitting your opponent when the ref is already counting down to ten?   
President Trump should stop taking about the unfair media. He has won the argument. The consumers agree with him.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Tags: Immigration raids, Trump and media, Democrats and  DNC Chairman Perez,  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

NO Oscars for me.......sick of stupid political speeches

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A few thoughts about the political scene plus Lincoln 1861

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ICE and immigration, Trump vs media and George Washington 1732..

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Nixon in China 1972 & other stories of the first month of President Trump

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Obama Care 2017 and beyond with Dr. Ileana Johnson, author & economist

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Is Justice Ginsburg talking too much?

Like a good umpire or referee, a Supreme Court justice should call balls and strikes, not change any rules in the middle of the game, and stay away from reporters.  In other words, if you want to express public opinions, then take off the robe and join the rest of us in the political arena.
This is what Justice Ginsburg said recently:
“We’re not experiencing the best of times,” Ginsburg said Thursday on BBC’s “Newsnight,” though she did not comment directly about the president.
But, the 83-year-old jurist said the public’s resistance to the new administration — on full display at last month’s Women’s March protests — has given her “reason to hope that we will see a better day.”
“A great man once said that the true symbol of the United States is not the bald eagle; it is the pendulum, and when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it will go back,” she told BBC.
“Some terrible things have happened in the United States, but one can only hope that we learn from those bad things,” she added, citing the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II as an example.
Well, President Trump should call on the nice lady to remove herself from anything that has to do with the Trump administration.
Would you like someone who publicly states such feelings about you sitting on a jury deciding something about your presidency?  I wouldn’t!    
So let me add a couple of things:
Can you imagine the screaming and outrage if a conservative justice – say, Justice Thomas – had said anything like that about President Obama?  We’d be in panic city, with nightly sermons about the independence of the judiciary.  Can you hear Rachel Maddow or Don Lemon?
Secondly, where is the honest liberal who calls out this lady?  I guess the left are so invested in abortion that they will put up with anything as long as the justice votes to keep Roe v. Wade around.     
Resign, Justice Ginsburg, so you can speak freely about everything!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Saturday night thoughts about Justice Ginsberg, the media and others

Tags: Illegal vs legal immiration debate, Justice Ginsberg speaking too much in public, Trump vs media To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Are the tantrums working?

Back in my younger days, I had my share of temper trantrums. My mother would stare at me and say “are you done yet… okay… do what I told you when you’re done screaming.” Reality set in and I did whatever I was supposed to do. I’d love to see my mom greet some of these anti-Trump supporters screaming about this and that. My mother would say: “are you done yet… well stop acting silly and vote so that you can make a real difference”.
Over the last few weeks, the political terrain has been flooded by some of the silliest statements this side of reality. Yet, are these anti-Trumpistas really moving the ball?  Are they going to win back the House or Senate with this behavior? My guess is that red state Democrats running for reelection in 2018 are whispering “No“.
We may soon know just how effective the anti-Trump street campaign has been, as John Kraushaar wrote about an upcoming special election in Georgia to replace Dr. Price, now in the Cabinet. It’s a district that Mr. Trump won by 2 points and Mr. Romney won by 20 in 2012. It may an early test,as we see in the article:
On pa­per, this elec­tion should be a golden op­por­tun­ity for Demo­crats to make polit­ic­al in­roads. 
The dis­trict is filled with the type of col­lege-edu­cated voters who have grav­it­ated away from Trump—in­clud­ing in­de­pend­ents who don’t have strong par­tis­an loy­al­ties but tend to vote Re­pub­lic­an. 
El­ev­en Re­pub­lic­ans will be fight­ing against each oth­er on an all-party primary bal­lot, mak­ing it likely the even­tu­al GOP stand­ard-bear­er will be wounded head­ing in­to an ex­pec­ted run­off. Trump’s pres­id­ency has got­ten off to a rocky start, giv­ing any Demo­crat plenty of ma­ter­i­al to work with.
But the early Demo­crat­ic fa­vor­ite in the race is about as awk­ward a fit for this par­tic­u­lar dis­trict as Demo­crats could find. Jon Os­soff, a self-de­scribed in­vest­ig­at­ive film­maker, is a 29-year-old Bernie Sanders back­er and a former na­tion­al se­cur­ity staffer for lib­er­al Rep. Hank Johnson…
Os­soff fills the con­front­a­tion­al role to a tee. 
In case his cam­paign mes­sage wasn’t clear, his web­site is em­blazoned with the head­line: “Geor­gia: Stand Up To Trump.” 
Mak­ing the race about Trump is help­ing him raise his pro­file and bring­ing in loads of cam­paign cash. 
But money isn’t a sub­sti­tute for a mes­sage that can win over Re­pub­lic­ans who will find Os­soff’s down-the-line lib­er­al views as prob­lem­at­ic as Trump’s pop­u­lism. 
Demo­crat­ic act­iv­ists may be en­er­gized by Os­soff’s broad­sides against the pres­id­ent, but they will end up dis­ap­poin­ted if he doesn’t meld them with a cent­rist mes­sage de­signed to at­tract dis­af­fected Re­pub­lic­ans…
If Demo­crats can even run com­pet­it­ively in this dis­trict, it would be a sign that an unadul­ter­ated anti-Trump mes­sage can pay di­vidends. 
But if the next Re­pub­lic­an nom­in­ee per­forms like Price—who nev­er won less than 62 per­cent of the vote in his sev­en cam­paigns—it will send a sig­nal that simply be­ing the op­pos­i­tion isn’t enough to win back con­trol of Con­gress.
“If you have an old white guy who’s hard right-wing, pro-Trump, anti-Muslim, and anti-gay mar­riage run­ning against a wo­man who comes across like Michelle Nunn, that’s the dy­nam­ic that could be a prob­lem for us,” said one GOP strategist track­ing the race.
 “But you’re not go­ing to have that dy­nam­ic.”
We remember that the GOP won governor’s elections in New Jersey and Virginia in the fall of 2009. They were seen back then as signs that the Tea Party efforts were paying off in votes. Then came Scott Brown’s victory in the special election to replace Senator Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts in January 2010.     
My guess is that the GOP will hold on to the seat because Michelle Nunn is not running.     
The left will probably react by saying that they lost because they didn’t scream loud enough or were too centrist.
One of these days, the Democrats will learn another one of my sweet mom’s lessons of life: the problem with screaming is that nobody listens.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Politics today and we remember Lincoln 1861 & the Marines Iwo Jima 1945

Tags: Immigration and Pres Trump, Lincoln 1861, Marines 1945, Democrats and the DNC chairman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

When did enforcing the law become harsh?

The New York Times is back to its hysterical self with an editorial that qualifies for an insanity certification: “Mr. Trump’s ‘Deportation Force’ Prepares an Assault on American Values.”
Do they mean the American value known as “the rule of law”? And they still wonder why they had to be bailed out by a Mexican billionaire?
On Wednesday morning, I was a guest on a Spanish radio show. The host and I discussed the new ICE rules and future plans for people here without papers.    
I made the following point as clearly as I could: any person in the U.S. without papers, or undocumented, as it is fashionable to say, is subject to deportation at any time. In other words, there is no country in the world that accepts people who are violating its immigration laws… inclucing Mexico.
At the same time, I made it clear that there are three groups of “undocumented” at the moment and this new approach applies to one of them, or people engaged in criminal activities.
This is from the New York Post, and something that I shared with the audience:
Team Trump’s newest immigration orders definitely toughen enforcement, but they’re a far cry from mass roundups.
If the administration sticks to this approach — prioritizing the serious criminals for apprehension and deportation, while also making it harder to succeed at immigrating illegally — it’ll have broad public support.
Over-the-top approaches (deporting law-abiding moms) will mean big trouble.
In that regard, it’s worth noting that President Trump still hasn’t touched former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which gives safe harbor and work permits to those brought here illegally as young children, a k a “the dreamers.”
The Department of Homeland Security also sought to provide instant clarity this time ’round, with background briefings even as DHS chief John Kelly issued his latest orders.
In a conference call with reporters, one official noted, “We do not have the personnel, time or resources to go into communities and round up people and do all kinds of mass throwing folks on buses. That’s entirely a figment of folks’ imagination.”
Yet Trump is moving to actually enforce US law, reversing the across-the-board Obama-era slowdown of enforcement actions. Violent criminals remain the top priority, but are no longer the only priority.
Now plea-bargaining a felony down to a misdemeanor won’t leave you automatically exempt from immigration enforcement, nor will DHS officials wink at an illegal immigrants’ fraudulent filing for welfare benefits.
Overall, DHS is pledging to “treat everyone humanely and with dignity” — while making clear its determination to “execute the laws of the United States” and that everything in Trump’s order “is consistent with what Congress put into law.”
In short, it’s a promise of vigorous but rationally targeted enforcement, which is what most Americans have long wanted. As long as that’s what it proves in practice, it should be a big political win for Trump.
And it should be a big win for the rule of law as well.
Over time, President Trump will have to address the other two groups, the dreamers and the 10 million.  
My hope is that he provides a path to legalization for the young people, specially those attending schools and staying out of trouble.
The remaining 10 million should be given a reasonable time to go home or comply with a set of conditions to stay here, such as paying a fine, proof of work, a clean criminal record, and maybe children born in the U.S.    
Some will stay, and many will go back, but there’s time to find a humane solution to a nasty problem created by our unwillingness to enforce immigration laws for a long time.
So far, President Trump is doing well.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trump & media plus we remember George Washington 1732

Tags: ICE and Trump, George Washington 1732, Trump and the media To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

‘Results, not ideology’: The latest placard in Latin American politics

We’ve noticed a couple of things about Latin America:
1) The left is losing steam.  The old lefties are dead, such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez.  Some lefties are getting impeached (Brazil) or thrown out (Argentina).  Maduro in Venezuela can’t inspire anybody.  Evo Morales in Bolivia is not the charmer he used to be.
2) Voters are more focused on results than ideology.
Let’s look at a couple of countries, a very small one and the largest GDP south of the border.
Down in Ecuador, we see how socialism is out of money, as in this report from The New York Times:
As in Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil, the social programs in Ecuador that lifted millions out of poverty were underwritten by a commodities boom that sputtered out years ago. 
Government revenue, around $25 billion a year when oil prices spiked, has now shrunk to less than half that, $11 billion, mainly because of the declining price of oil.
That has left the country heavily indebted to China. 
Ecuador’s economy ground to a halt last year after growing, on average, 4 percent or more from 2006 to 2014.
“The model has reached its end because the money has run out,” said César Robalino, a conservative banker at the Pichincha College of Economists in Quito.
Mr. Robalino said Ecuador’s next president, regardless of political affiliation, would need to take a tougher line on spending, reduce the number of government workers and cut subsidies like the ones used to reduce gas prices for all Ecuadoreans.
Ecuador is a very small country, but it is the canary in the coal mine.  The left no longer has the revenues to pay for all of these social programs, whether we are talking about Brazil or Argentina or even Mexico, where oil prices have had a much bigger impact than Mr. Trump on the peso.
Over in Brazil, there’s even talk of a “Trump,” or new 70-something President Temer.  They say he is riding a right-wing backlash after an era of leftist rule.  His 33-year-old former model and tall wife draws a lot of comparisons to Mrs. Trump.
Time will tell whether President Temer, a man associated with a lot of the corruption, can pull off a “Trump” in Brazil.  My guess is that he won’t, but the movement is there, waiting for a leader.
Nevertheless, there is something happening in Brazil as expressed by Lucas de Aragão of the Brasilia-based consulting firm Arko:
“It’s an anti-status-quo sentiment, just like Brexit and Trump,” Aragão said, “but I don’t think it’s about ideology as much as a lack of results.” 
It’s all about results rather than ideology!  Where have we heard that before?  It could be the start of something good and long overdue in Latin America.   
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The disarray is on the Democrat side

It may be that President Trump is off to a busy start, but calling it chaotic is silly and highly partisan. The real chaos is on the other side, and my good friend Barry Casselman has an interesting view:
The real chaos in the capital is in minds of those who oppose him — the same folks who determined he would fail even before he began. The establishment media is in a fury because he won’t recognize them at press conferences, even though they blithely ignored the fact that his predecessor ignored the conservative media for eight years.
You want to report about chaos? Check out the Democrats and their campaign to nominate a new DNC chairman.
In the next couple of weeks, we will see the party that gave us JFK, FDR, and Truman nominate a chairman who couldn’t win a general election outside of San Francisco.
The Democrats are still fighting the reality of election day. They didn’t just lose the presidency. They lost everything else as well.
They have two chocies: they can continue to fight, resist and make noise. Or, they can act like adults and negotiate with President Trump, as Doug Schoen recommends:
Many Democratic disagreements with Trump’s executive orders are valid and there is a clear opportunity for opposition to Trump on the basis of their faults and flaws.
However, if Democrats want to win back power they cannot do so by moving further left, resisting Trump at every move, and taking to the streets.
Put simply, the Democratic Party is on life support and there is a quiet, but ruthless, war being fought over its future.
While the Democratic Party is driven left by anti-Trump activists, protestors, and Senators such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, America itself remains a fundamentally center-right nation.
In other words, grow up, Democrats.
Nevertheless, the media is all focused on President Trump’s rough start. Frankly, President Trump’s administration looks like an orderly bunch compared to the other side.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Some ideas to replace Obama Care with Dr. Ileana Johnson

Guest: Dr. Ileana Johnson, author, blogger and economist.........we will look at some alternatives to replace Obama Care.........what do we do with preexisting conditions and people already on the program?..........how long can a replacement or transition to a new plan take?......and more stories.......

Click to listen:

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We remember Brenda Buttner (1961-2017)

192-182? Was that a basketball game?

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Obama — the 12th of never?


They say that the “12th of never” is about a date that never arrives, as Johnny Mathis sang years ago:
You ask me how much I need you, must I explain?
I need you, oh my darling, like roses need rain
You ask how long I’ll love you, I’ll tell you true
Until the Twelfth of Never, I’ll still be loving you…
President Obama ranking # 12 in presidential rankings? Sorry, but we have to file this ranking under some historians loving Obama like roses need rain.
Before we go any further, let’s say a couple of things.     
First, President Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for winning the election. He now ranks # 12 for serving as president. And these people wonder why we think that they are in the tank for Obama? 
Second, Harry Truman is #6 and I can guarantee that he was way down when he took that train to Missouri in 1953. Lyndon B. Johnson is #10 and that was not the perception when he flew back to Texas in 1969.   
In other words, it is foolish to include a guy who left office a month ago in any ranking. Give him five years and then start thinking about it. Again, some historians will love him as long as roses need rain.
Yes, President Obama was the first black president. But can we look beyond that please?
Let’s look at some measurements:
1) The economy: He ranks # 8 on economic management. I guess that this is the theory that he inherited the worst economy in the history of the world and then saved us from another Great Depression. Sorry — not even close! Yes, it was rough when he came in, but let’s not overdo it. We’re forgetting that almost every program put in place to battle the recession was started by George W. Bush — Obama merely inherited them, and in many cases, expanded them.
Furthermore, Am I the only one who missed the growth? Did anyone see a GDP over 3%, because I did not?
2) Foreign policy: President Obama ranks # 24. This is a joke. He inherited a stable Iraq and turned it into a mess. The red line threat projected weakness. Does any serious person think that we are safer today than in 2009? Or more respected?
3) Leadership: Do we need a ranking to determine this? President Obama tanked his party and was forced to come out the back end of Air Force One in China. Sorry — the leadership debate ended that day in China!
4)  Ability to work with Congress: Can you say executive orders? Also, let’s not forget that he had Democrat Senate for six of eight years.    
My friend Don Surber adds a few thoughts:
For example, he ranks third in “Pursued Equal Justice For All,” ahead of Grant (reconstruction and the Civil Rights Act of 1875), Coolidge (gave Indians citizenship), Eisenhower (sent the 101st to enforce school desegregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1957), and Truman (desegregated the military). Frankly, I can find nothing in Obama’s portfolio that speaks to equal justice for all. The court legalized gay marriage without him. A gentleman’s C puts him at 22.
Eighth in economic management? He added $9 trillion to the national debt and we never recovered from the recession he inherited. Bottom 10 in that category.
Twenty-fourth in international relations? He bombed countries without provocation, armed the Islamic State, and let Iran develop nuclear weapons. Bottom 10 in that category.
His domestic policy consisted of Obamacare, which elected a Republican House in 2010, a Republican Senate in 2014, and a Republican president in 2016.
Obama leaves the White House having achieved nothing positive on the economic front, nothing positive on the international front, and nothing positive on the domestic front.
So # 12 is just an emotional reaction and further indication that the historians are still in the tank. Eventually, they will get out, dry up and figure out that they love President Obama too much for their professional reputation.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.    We discussed this topic on Sunday’s show:

Tags: Obama the 12th?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!