Tuesday, February 09, 2016

New Hampshire: Get ready for a surprise tonight!

We will have voters again telling us how they feel about the 2016 election.    

So here are some of my predictions:  Expect surprises.......let me repeat expect surprises!

On the Democrat side, Senator Sanders will beat Mrs Clinton by more than 10 points.   It could be as bad as 60-40!    Mrs Clinton is not connecting with young people and that's a problem.

On the GOP side, Mr Trump will not meet the polling expectations.   He will win by less than 10 points.

The second place battle will be between Governor Bush, Governor Kasich, Senator Rubio and Senator Cruz.     I don't see Governor Christie in this bunch.

We will wait to see the results.   However, expect this thing to move to South Carolina and no one is running the table.

Tags: New Hampshire: Get ready for a surprise tonight  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Asking Hispanics for their ‘voto’

My good friend Israel Ortega was recently on Newsmax TV and discussed Hispanics and the economy and how it could play in 2016. He believes that the economy affects more Hispanics than immigration, or simply the reality that immigration reform affects  those who are here illegally. In other words, there are millions of Hispanics in the U.S. who do not speak Spanish or watch Jorge Ramos!
Israel also made a larger point about diversity. All you have to do is look at the TV screen and see it for yourself: Cruz, Rubio, and Carson got more half of the vote in a state that is 90% white!
As Israel Ortega pointed out, the Hispanic vote offers GOP a great opportunity in many states, including South Carolina:
Looking ahead, the Republican Party has a real opportunity to connect with Hispanic voters in a number of critical early primary states, including South Carolina and Nevada. The Palmetto State has seen a dramatic growth in its Hispanic population in recent years. In fact, according to the U.S. Census and the Pew Research Center, South Carolina had the second-fastest growing Hispanic population in the country from 2000–2011. With an estimated 5 percent of the population, and around half of that number eligible to vote, the Hispanic vote could make a difference in a tight race.
After South Carolina, the remaining Republican hopefuls head out west to Nevada, with an estimated 27 percent Hispanic population and a significant number of eligible voters. What’s more, Nevada is among a handful of swing states that could very well decide the election in November.
“At some point, elections are not about politics or policy; they are about math,” writes John Ralston, a journalist who has covered Nevada politics for nearly 25 years. “He or she who gets the most votes wins, and Hispanics arguably are the most potent rising bloc in both Nevada and American politics.”
Therein lies the opportunity for Republicans heading into the fall. The reality is that both Cruz and Rubio remain unknown to many Latino voters. This is changing, of course, as media coverage intensifies. But in a study conducted a few years ago by the well-respected Pew Hispanic Center, a scant percentage of Latinos polled identified Rubio as a national leader, but perhaps more revealing, a whopping 62 percent of those polled could not name a national leader.
Of course, the opportunity is there, but only if the GOP seizes on it. I am not talking about promoting amnesty but rather knocking on the door and asking for the vote! Or going on TV and telling Hispanics that the GOP wants school choice. 
The 2016 political landscape will be different than 2008. Again, I hope that the GOP understands that the “si se puede” enthusiasm of 2008 is really “no se puede” in Hispanic districts today.
Again, knock on the door and ask for the vote! Don’t assume that the Hispanic vote is locked up.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Asking Hispanics for their vote  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

A chat with Israel Ortega about the GOP, diversity and the economy

Guest: Israel Ortega, Hispanic columnist, joins us for a look at the GOP and the economy...........the Iowa results show that the GOP is the party of diversity, i.e. Rubio, Cruz and Carson.............compare that with the other side..........and some interesting data about Hispanics and the economy.......it appears that the economy is more important than immigration.............plus other stories from the front pages..........

Tags: GOP and diversity, GOP and Hispancis 2016 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!