Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hola Jorge Ramos: Wait your turn!

(My new Babalu post)

For the record, I am not a supporter of Donald Trump.  His idea of deporting 11 million illegal immigrants is not workable and would throw the whole issue into the courts for a long time.    
It would be better to deal with the illegal immigrants by enforcing workplace laws or eliminating the employment magnet that brings them here.    Furthermore, I’m willing to accept a path to legalization (not citizenship) for some, specially the kids who’ve grown up here.  Some of these youngsters are excelling in schools and want to serve in the US armed forces.
At the same time, I understand the anger about illegal immigration.   People are frustrated with the chaos, the costs and the violation of national sovereignty when people cross your borders and demand to be legalized.    
Speaking of costs, National Review posted this:
“71 percent of illegal-alien headed households with children received some sort of welfare in 2009, compared with 39 percent of native-headed houses with children. Illegal immigrants generally access welfare programs through their U.S.-born children, to whom government assistance is guaranteed. Additionally, U.S.-born children of illegal aliens are entitled to American public schools, health care, and more, even though illegal-alien households rarely pay taxes.”
Do you understand now why people are angry?  They should be angry!
The US has every right to have immigration laws, as Mexico does.  
What does Mexico do with illegal immigrants from Central America?  They deport them as most countries do!
Yesterday, Jorge Ramos did not show a lot of respect for journalism, his fellow journalists or the rest of us.    
As you can see from the video, Jorge Ramos started making a speech as the news conference was getting underway.  
Mr Trump asked Mr Ramos to wait his turn but he kept on talking.   So Mr Trump had Mr Ramos escorted out of the room.    
For the record, Mr Ramos came back and got to ask lots of questions.    
Mr Ramos could have avoided the whole thing by raising his hand and waiting his turn, like everybody else does.  
Finally, Mr Ramos and others need to come to terms with the anger over illegal immigration.    It is not rooted on racism or anti-immigrant attitudes.    Instead, it is about the rule of law and respect for those of us who waited our turn to come legally into the country.     

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.:

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Tags: Illegal immigration and Mr Trump  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

The US economy and a few other thoughts

Guest:  Frank Burke, businessman, author and contributor to American Thinker, joins me for a chat about the US economy.........what is going on with the stock market.......are these problems related to much of a factor is the Fed's policy and low interest rates............also a word about Trump, anchor babies and the Democrats....

Check Out Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: US economy and China, GDP growth under Obama  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Oil prices are hurting oil countries like Venezuela

(My new American Thinker post)

Remember that song by Blood Sweat & Tears:   
"What goes up must come down Spinnin' wheel, got to go round
Talkin' 'bout your troubles, it's a cryin' sin

Ride a painted pony, let the spinnin' wheel spin...."

It sure feels like a crazy spinning wheel in countries like Venezuela and Iraq as we read in The New York Times:    
"While the price has been declining for months, forecasts have always been hedged with the assumption that oil would eventually stabilize or at least not stay low for long. But new anxieties about frailties in China, the world’s most voracious consumer of energy, have raised fears that the price of oil, now 30 percent lower than it was just a few months ago, could remain depressed far longer than even the most pessimistic projections, and do even deeper damage to oil exporters.   “The pain is very hard for these countries,” said RenĂ© G. Ortiz, former secretary general of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and former energy minister of Ecuador. “These countries dreamed that these low prices would be very temporary.”    Mr. Ortiz estimated that all major oil exporting countries had lost a total of $1 trillion in oil sales because of the price decline over the last year."
Of course, blaming oil prices is a quick excuse.    The real problem in countries like Venezuela is mismanagement financed by high oil prices.  

Down in Venezuela, "Chavizmo" was built on the assumption that oil prices would be $ 150 forever.    It's not so pretty now that the price is closer to $ 50, as we see in CNN: 
Venezuela has the world's largest oil reserves, but the country is essentially bankrupt. Last November it started importing, of all things, oil. There are shortages of practically every conceivable consumer product, from toilet paper to beer, from milk to antibiotics.A shopping expedition is an exercise in frustration and endurance. Venezuelans have to stand in line for hours in the stifling tropical heat in pursuit of products that are more often than not completely out of stock.As his predecessor did, Maduro blames the shortages on the opposition, on his political enemies, and on the rich. But the real reason why the economy is simply not functioning is that the government has introduced wrong-headed policies that defy all logic.What started as an effort to alleviate poverty -- the most worthy of goals in a poor country -- turned into a failed experiment in populist-infused socialism. The government expropriated businesses, tried to control prices and markets, and generally disrupted the mechanisms of supply and demand to the point where producing anything became unprofitable.The first and biggest target of government intervention was the state-owned oil company, PDVSA, which was used by the Chavez government as a funding source for social programs.What was once an efficient, profitable, well-run business became a political tool run by party loyalists. Instead of investing in maintenance and production, the government wrung out all it could from its oil firm, using cheap oil to buy the loyalty of Latin American regimes, and using the profits to finance a multitude of unrelated projects.If done with more foresight it might have worked, but in the end it all came crashing down. This all started during the years when oil prices spiked above $100 a barrel, bringing oceans of money, none of which was used to expand production and maintain equipment. The government broke the piggy bank.Oil production has collapsed. And, making matters worse, much worse, the world price of oil, the lifeblood of the regime and the country, has fallen by about half. The country's cash flow problems were already serious before oil prices swooned. They will only get worse now. 
We know from press reports that the late Hugo Chavez kept asking his countrymen to pray for a miracle, or a recovery from the cancer that eventually took his life.   

In fact, Chavez was rather lucky in retrospect.   He is not around to see the mess that he created!

P. S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Check Out Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: Iraq, Venezuela and oil prices  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!