Friday, February 14, 2014

What is happening in Venezuela?

(My new American Thinker post)

We don't know how long these demonstrations will go on in Caracas but they are turning ugly, as our friend Fausta Wertz has been reporting.

Daniel Duquenal, an extraordinary blogger reporting from Venezuela, has been fighting censorship and blackouts to tell the world about his native land:

"Well, it seems the regime is not satisfied with at least three deaths, dozens of injured, X arrests and a few "disappeared". It has decided to take the opportunity to start removing opposition leaders that are bothersome. Leopoldo Lopez is the first one, accused even of throwing the baby's water today."
The incredible thing about this Venezuela story is the absence of US media coverage. I understand that we have a lot on our plate but a little coverage would be the responsible thing to do.

The AP did post a summary of the situation:
"Armed vigilantes on motorcycles attacked anti-government demonstrators in Venezuela on Wednesday, setting off a stampede by firing into crowds as the biggest protest against President Nicolas Maduro's year-old administration turned violent. Three people were killed."
The New York Times is reporting that the Maduro regime is looking for Leopoldo Lopez, an opposition leader.  They want to blame Mr Lopez for the unrest.

We don't know if this is the beginning of the end for President Maduro's very corrupt government or whether the people have had enough of inflation, shortages and censorship.

Furthermore, we have not seen reports of anti-government protests outside of Caracas.  My guess is that they have happened but cannot report on anything yet.

Our sympathies are with the good people of Venezuela and their awful situation. Let's hope that the violence does not get our of control but I fear that it will.

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