Sunday, July 28, 2013

Memo to President Obama: Ho is no George Washington

(My American Thinker post)

Did I hear just hear an anti-Vietnam war speech from 1971? 

Remember when the speakers used to say that Ho Chi Minh was George Washington and the Viet Cong were sort like "the Indo China Founding Fathers"? 

Remember the Viet Cong flags waved by young American idiots unaware or ignorant that dozens of US soldiers were held and tortured at the infamous Hanoi Hilton? 

By the way, did any of these "Viet Cong flag wavers" say anything when millions were slaughtered in Indo China after we left in 1975?  All I remember was a lot of silence! 

President Obama took unscripted remarks to another level when he said this:   

".....we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson."   (President Obama talking to reporters alongside Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang)      

Where do we start? 

First, it is true that we have diplomatic relations with Vietnam.  We are doing business with them.  We may be allies in the region.  Vietnam is obviously looking for foreigners to invest and use their cheap labor. Their current leadership would rather see more "Made in Vietnam" stuff at WalMart than any discussion of Ho's ideas! 

Second, every despot in the world, including Castro in Cuba and Chavez in Venezuela, has quoted George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They do it to enhance their arguments while they practice the exact opposite of what those wonderful men stood for. 

Third, and most important, doesn't President Obama understand that 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam? 

And millions living served there?   Some are disabled veterans!  Some still live with the memory of watching their buddy killed in action. 

Didn't it occur to President Obama that such a remark might hit a few people the wrong way?

Doesn't he realize that some of our current military leadership served in that war?

Is he that "tone deaf"? 

How do you elevate Ho Chi Mihn, a communist, a dictator, an anti-American, by having the president of the US bless his memory with a remark like that?

We often hear that President Obama is ignorant of US history.  He certainly proved it when he made those remarks to the leader of Vietnam. 

Where was the Teleprompter when we really needed it?   
Click for the Sunday show with Bill Katz:

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Tags: HO is not  George Washington  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

UNESCO and a criminal named Che

(My American Thinker post)

Andy Garcia's "The lost city" portrays Che Guevara correctly.  He was a thug, a criminal and responsible for thousands of executions.   

We just learned that UNESCO is going to honor Che Guevara.

That's an outrage and we can not take this one sitting down.

UNESCO wants to make "the life and works of Ernesto Che Guevara" the 2013 addition to the Memory of the World Register.

We remind you that UNESCO is supposed to be the intellectual agency of the UN

My question is this:  What life and works?

It would take me many pages to tell you about Che Guevara.   My friend Humberto Fontova wrote a great book bout Che.  Frankly, UNESCO should add Humberto's book!

I've chosen one story because it speaks volumes about the real Che.

Let's remember the story of a Cuban teenager who was executed by Che:    

"Rigoberto Hernandez was 17 when Che's soldiers dragged him from his cell in La Cabana, jerked his head back to gag him, and started dragging him to the stake. Little "Rigo" pleaded his innocence to the very bloody end. But his pleas were garbled and difficult to understand. His struggles while being gagged and bound to the stake were also awkward. The boy had been a janitor in a Havana high school and was mentally retarded. His single mother had pleaded his case with hysterical sobs. She had begged, beseeched and finally proven to his "prosecutors" that it was a case of mistaken identity. Her only son, a boy in such a condition, couldn't possibly have been "a CIA agent planting bombs." "FUEGO!" and the firing squad volley shattered Rigo's little bent body as he moaned and struggled awkwardly against his bounds, blindfold and gag.
"Certainly we execute!" boasted the man honored by UNESCO last week. "And we will continue executing as long as it is necessary!"
Those executions (murders, actually; execution implies a judicial process) had reached about 16,000 by the time of Che Guevara's statement, the equivalent, given the relative populations, of almost a million executions in the U.S. (This figure comes from "The Black Book of Communism," by the way, written by French scholars and published in English by Harvard University Press, neither an outpost of "right-wing Cuban exiles.")  

Quite fittingly, Che's bloodthirsty boast was made on Dec. 9, 1964 while addressing the hallowed halls of the United Nations. 

Our taxes fund the UN and UNESCO.  Make sure that your congressman and US Senator know that you won't stand for this. 

That's the man that UNESCO wants to remember!  

Click here for Saturday's show: 

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Tags: UNESCO and Che Guevara  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!