Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Dancing? We need a little "singing" from IRS personnel

(My new American Thinker post)

The latest IRS video won't go down well.  How can Americans watch IRS personnel dance and spend money when the country is running deficits?  I'm all for efficiency meetings but do we have to spend so much money doing it?

We need to encourage IRS staff to come out and start talking.  In fact, it may have started:

"One of the low-level employees said that the Washington office was “basically throwing us underneath the bus” for an operation they had ordered and directed. And an employee described as being more senior said that he viewed the entire project as unfair and was so worried about being blamed for it later that he actually applied for another job in the summer of 2010. “I didn’t want my name in the paper for being this rogue agent for a project I had no control over,” the more senior employee said."

Rep Issa should put these IRS employees in front of the committee.  Let them tell their story.  My guess is that the story about "2 rogue agents in Cincinnati" will go the same way as the "You Tube" video that apparently caused people to attack a US consulate in Benghazi.

Miss Cutter said that the meetings were about the implementation of ObamaCare. 

I have two questions: 

What was the #2 from the Obama reelection team sitting in a White House/IRS policy meeting about the implementation of ObamaCare?  

Didn't it occur to someone that having a senior campaign official and the IRS chief in the same meeting might raise a few eyebrows?

Also, did Miss Cutter know that the IRS had been targeting conservatives? 

Maybe I'm naive but putting the IRS chief & #2 campaign person in a White House "policy meeting" is a bit too close for comfort. 

Let the "singing" begin!  Maybe we will finally get to the bottom of this when low level IRS personnel start "telling" on their superiors.

Tags: IRS scandals  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

IRS scandals and other stuff

We discussed a few issues in Monday's show.

On this day in history, we recalled that Major Ed White was the first American to walk in space in 1965.  By the way, wasn't the space program fun?  Don't you miss watching those missions take off and land in the ocean?  I do!

On the 3 scandals beating up the Obama administration, am I the only one who can not understand President Obama's managerial style?  It seems strange to me that no one around President Obama felt compelled to tell him that there was a massive scandal over at the IRS.  Or, it is very weird that AG Holder did not talk to him about the actions taken against the AP and James Rosen of Fox News.   Click here for Monday's show:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: IRS scandals and other stuff  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!