Saturday, May 25, 2013

A speech to "kiss and make up" with his base

What do you do when your base is angry about GITMO?   I guess that you promise to close it again.  You also blame Congress for not giving you the money to do it.  The problem is that it was a Congress controlled by Democrats that did not provide the funding. 
What about drones?  You promise that we will "drone" more carefully from now on.  Let's hope that the terrorists will cooperate by keeping children away from them.
What about tapping reporters phones?  You say that it was about national security and because that "darn Congress" didn't pass the media shield law. 
By the way, does anyone remember President Obama persuading members of Congress to pass the media shield law?  I don't!
Overall, I rate this as a speech trying to win back the left.  I did not hear much more than that.  My guess is that it will be largely forgotten when the next IRS official comes to Congress and says "I don't know".
President Obama's basic problem is that reality does not allow him to keep the base happy.   Are you listening Pink Ladies?
Let's go back to GITMO.  Where are you going to put these people?  We don't know and no other country has stepped up to the plate requesting to have their nationals back.  I don't see much enthusiasm from Senate Democrats to put this on their agenda before the 2014 elections.  They already have their hands full with ObamaCAre.
Overall, the message about the war on terror was just silly.
He claims that the US has not been attacked in a large scale since 9-11.  Well, I would argue that Ft Hood and Boston were pretty big.  There were about 200 people injured in Boston!  Ask the relatives of the 19 people killed at Ft Hood about it.
He blames the "Internet" for the new wave of terrorism.    I agree that the Internet has facilitated "training" and "recruiting".  However, President Obama did not put forward any ideas on fighting this new kind of terrorism learned from the Internet.
Unfortunately for President Obama, and specially the millions who bought into "hope and change", the war will continue because the bad guys are still determined to kill Americans.  This war will go on for a long time and we better come to the terms with that. 

Tags: A speech to kiss and make up with his base  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Guess who is angry about ObamaCare?

(My new American Thinker post)

We could not say it any better than this:

""It makes an untruth out of what the president said — that if you like your insurance, you could keep it," said Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.
"That is not going to be true for millions of workers now.""

Maybe we should invite Mr Hansen to our next Tea Party rally.  He may be one of the most credible critics of ObamaCare in the world. 

Mr Hansen has one big advantage over most people in the White House or Congress.

First, he has read the bill and is in the process of implementing it.  In other words, he gets the "train wreck" warning.

Second, Mr Hansen and the unions live in the real world, or the same place where most Americans live every day.

Wonder how all of those people paying union dues feel about this?

First, their dues go to support the Democrats who passed the bill in 2010.

Second, their dues go to finance the Obama reelection campaign or to keep Romney and the GOP from repealing it.

Third, their dues are paying the salary of leaders who are now warning them that ObamaCare may not be so good after all.
I don't know about you but I'd be very angry at the next union meeting!   

Click here for Friday's show about ObamaCare:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: The labor unions and ObamaCare  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

ObamaCare and unions

Guess who is claiming that ObamaCare is not what it was made out to be?  Can you say unions?  Yes "unions" like in labor unions.

Here is a rather amazing story about the latest problem implementing ObamaCare:

"Union leaders warn that unless the problem is fixed, there could be consequences for Democrats facing re-election next year.

"It makes an untruth out of what the president said — that if you like your insurance, you could keep it," said Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. "That is not going to be true for millions of workers now.""
No one on our side could have said this any better.

Click here for Friday's ObamaCare show with Dr Ileana Johnson-Paugh:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: ObamaCare and unions  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!