Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Raul Castro retirement announcement, no changes ahead for Cuba

My new American Thinker post

Despite Raul Castro retirement announcement, no changes ahead for Cuba 

Before you call for an end to the embargo or shout that a new day has arrived in Cuba, please sit back and remember this about the new "change" on the island: 

1) Raul Castro was "reelected" for another 5-year term; 

 2) His successor was picked by Raul Castro. We don't know much about Miguel Mario Diaz-Canel- Bermudez. All we know is that he has been a provincial bureaucrat, loyal to Raul Castro, a Beatles fan and could pass for Jose Canseco's older brother; 

3) No opposition party was allowed to put up a candidate. This is because the Cuban regime does not recognize the opposition. Everybody in Cuba is a communist and dissent results in prison. Someone needs to tell Western reporters that especially the next time that they interview so many "happy Cubans" on the island. 

Is that an election? I don't think so. 

Why did Raul Castro decide to retire? 

Nobody really knows but here are my "guesses": 

1) Raul is in his 80s. I'm sure that he'd rather spend the rest of his life with the family millions in an isolated farm. My guess is that Raul does not want to be around the day that they turn out the lights on the regime. 

2) Cuba's problems are beyond repair. There is no "socialista" answer to the island's economic mess. 

3) Raul knows something that most of the Western media does not. Raul knows that communism is not popular in Cuba, specially with the young people who want freedom. There is tremendous dissatisfaction with the Castro regime. As a young person told me, "there is more to life than free health care"! 

4) Raul wants to "fool" the US into ending the embargo. Cuba desperately needs "credit" because it is no longer getting it from other countries. 

Who would have believed this 50 years ago? Cuba desperately needs US credit lines to save the anti-US revolution. 

President Obama should react to the changes in Cuba with a simple statement: "Nice try Raul but call me when you hold free elections and we will consider lifting the embargo."

Tags: Change in Cuba?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

The economic "perfect storm" that we better keep an eye on

Let me ask you some questions:

1) Are you paying more for gasoline this week than you did last month?

2) Did you get your health insurance renewal letter?

3) Have you checked your net income lately?

4) Are you a small businessman who can't figure out how Obama-Care will impact your hiring?

The first sign of this "storm" was the quarterly earnings report for Wal-Mart:
"Retailers are preparing for a triple whammy as the restoration of the payroll tax, surging gas prices, and stagnant employment and wages take a bite out of consumers’ disposable income, leaving them with less cash to spend on clothing, groceries, and eating out." (CSM)

The second sign is that   " .....Burger King Worldwide Inc., Kraft Foods Group Inc. and others are lowering forecasts and adjusting sales and marketing strategies, expecting consumers with smaller paychecks to dine out less and trade down to less expensive purchases."

I won't blame gasoline prices on President Obama.  I won't do to him what the other side did to President Bush.   Nevertheless, I spent $35 to fill my Ford Focus last week and $40 last night.   That $ 5 that I won't be able to spend on something else.

I do blame President Obama for the health care premiums.  He gave us exactly the wrong medicine for our health care crisis.  We needed to fine tune the engine rather than replace it with one that no one can afford.

Last, but not least, the employment situation is still uncertain, specially for smaller companies who can't make any sense of all of this uncertainty about Obama-Care.

Yes, Obama-Care is the law of the land but the rules are still unwritten.  This is like changing the speed limit but not posting the new number.

Yes, 2013 will be the year of the "3-part perfect economic storm" and there is nothing pretty about it.

Tags: The economic perfect storm that we better keep an eye on To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!