Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Cubs will win the World Series before Obama Care enrolls enough members

Reuters headline: "State Obamacare exchanges enroll 3 pct of target so far -report."

Frankly, I didn't believe the "3%" figure. I thought that it was a misprint.  I checked again to make sure that it was not 30%! 

What word is synonymous with "disaster" or "devastating"?  This is an embarrassment of such dimensions that heads should roll and quickly.  It's hard for me to believe that President Obama will keep the players that brought us up to this moment.

It is really 3% and that's your definition of a bad start:  

"The Wall Street Journal reports that only 40,000 to 50,000 have thus far signed up on the federal website. This brings the total number of enrollees (including the 12 states with working sites) to fewer than 100,000. The White House target for October alone was 500,000."

The scary part is that the uninsured are not showing up either, according to Gallup:  

"In the midst of widespread news coverage of problems with the federal health exchange website, relatively few uninsured Americans (18%) -- the primary target population for the exchanges -- have so far attempted to visit an exchange website. The percentage is slightly higher, 22%, among uninsured Americans who say they plan to get insurance through the exchanges."

The next scary episode around the corner is that the computer may not be ready at the end of the month, as projected.

It may be time for President Obama to take ObamaCare to the repair shop and put a new engine in this machine.   The good news is that it may run better with a new engine.  The bad news for President Obama is that the Democrats may come to love ObamaCare sitting in the repair shop permanently. 

P. S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr.