Thursday, January 03, 2013

THE TWILIGHT ZONE: Why is Obama going on vacation again?

One of the TV channels had a "Twilight Zone" marathon yesterday.  I actually caught a couple of shows.  I love them!

Pres Obama will sign the new "fiscal cliff" law and head off to another vacation:

"The price tag is in addition to more than $4 million that is already being spent on the Obamas’ Hawaii idyll, bringing the total cost of the excursion to well over $7 million.The added cost was incurred because by the time the Obamas return from Hawaii – whenever that is – the president will have used Air Force One to travel to Honolulu and back twice."
Don't worry.  Pres BO will get his expensive vacation and no one will say anything:

1) The media is not interested; and,

2) The "low information voters", the president's political safety net, will just fall in love with him the next time he goes on "The view" or MTV.

Do you think that you are watching a "Twilight Zone" episode?  I do!