Friday, November 02, 2012

The EU is another year older but not wiser

The EU is another year older and not wiser:

"The Maastricht Treaty comes into effect, formally establishing the European Union (EU). The treaty was drafted in 1991 by delegates from the European Community meeting at Maastricht in the Netherlands and signed in 1992.

The agreement called for a strengthened European parliament, the creation of a central European bank, and common foreign and security policies. The treaty also laid the groundwork for the establishment of a single European currency, to be known as the "euro."

By 1993, 12 nations had ratified the Maastricht Treaty on European Union: Great Britain, France, Germany, the Irish Republic, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Austria, Finland, and Sweden became members of the EU in 1995.   (History)

In reality, the EU has been a disaster.  It has forced everyone to use the same currency rather than manage their own economies. 

It has centralized power in the hands of bureaucrats rather than elected legislatures.

It has been, and continues to be, a disaster.   Check these headlines from today's front pages:

The UK is now complaining that the EU is costing them jobs

Spain continues to be a disaster.

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