Monday, October 22, 2012

Lots of foreign policy to talk about on Monday

According to Gallup, Romney is up 7 or 52-45%.  In other words, something is happening out there and it looks like the voters are trending Romney.

At the same time, we caution everyone that things could change very rapidly one way or another. 

On Monday night, the candidates will talk foreign policy and national security. 

Here are some of my ideas:

On Libya, Pres BO needs to explain just what happened.  Who gave Amb Rice to instructions to go out and blame it all on a video?  Why did Pres BO and Sec Clinton make such a big deal about the video?   Didn't they know that it was a terrorist attack rather than a spontaneous reaction tot he video?

On Iran, we need to hear what the US is prepared to do.  We've reached a point where military action may be necessary but a diplomatic solution is always best.

I would also like to hear about Latin America.  The Obama administration has not paid much attention to the region.  We need a president who understands that Latin America is a huge market for US exports.

On China, we need some discussion of currency manipulation and the military expansion underway.

On Afghanistan, I would like to know what our policy really is.  Getting out in 2014 is not a policy.

Click here for Sunday's show with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

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