Monday, September 17, 2012

Did the Arab street forget the Cairo speech that quickly?

We all remember the Cairo 2009 speech. 

It was "hope and change" at its silliest.....naive....and the kind of liberal nonsense that we heard during the Bush years. does that policy look now?  There are mobs burring US flags, throwing stones at US embassies and even anti-Obama signs in the streets.

Did they forget that Cairo speech so fast?

The Middle East is a very complex region.  However, the Obama approach was flawed from the beginning:

1) He promised to meet "unconditionally" with the world's bad guys.  Obama projected naivety but worse he came across as a novice who thought that it was all about personaltiy, i.e. they hate Bush and will love Obama:

2) "They hate us" because we invaded Iraq.  Actually, they hate us because women vote and we have a free press.  By the way, I would remind everyone that Iraq has an elected govenment and thousands of women voted in the last election.

3) They would love once we'd close GITMO.  

Overall, Pres BO's policies have projected weakness.....and weakness is not respected in the Middle East whether your name is Obama or whatever.

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