Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Dems in "freak out mode" over Obama/Biden

It was a very bad week for the Obama/Biden ticket.

Pres Obama can't seem to get out of that 44-46% rut.  He's been stuck there for months.   We know this:  It's very hard for incumbents to get reelected when they are under 50%!

VP Biden had an even worse week.  He made another one of his famous "gaffes", or a reference to the GOP putting people back in chains.  

Rasmussen has a new poll and they won't like it at the Obama reelection office:  Better Qualified To Serve As President? 42% Say Ryan, 40% Biden

Gov Romney's selection of Rep Paul has thrown a real curve to the Dems.  They started out thinking that Ryan would make the GOP vulnerable on Medicare.  

However, it's starting to look like the exact opposite.   Ryan is really connecting with voters and has energized the GOP base.  He sounds pretty good to independents, specially those concerned that we need more than "hope and change" to tackle our financial problems.

Check out Saturday show:

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