Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The NAACP is in the business of reelecting Dems NOT helping black people

Once upon a time, the NAACP was a civil rights group.  Unfortunately, today's NAACP is nothing more than a subsidiary of the Dem party.

Today, Gov Romney spoke before the NAACP.  By the way, Pres BO will not speak but will send VP Biden instead.

Gov Romney told the NAACP convention that the black unemployment is unacceptable.   He got very little applause for that.  Does that mean that he is wrong? 

He told them that BO-Care was a disaster for job creation.  He was booed but nobody contradicted his point.  Wonder how many black entrepreneurs in the audience agree with him?

Gov Romney's calls for public education reform were met with polite applause.  Does that mean that the delegates at the NAACP convention feel that our public schools are working for young blacks?

Last, but not least, Gov Romney reminded everyone that his father, the late Gov George Romney of Michigan, was a leader in the civil rights movement.  His father, and don't forget his mother, marched for civil rights in the 1960s..

Of course, none of this matters to the NAACP audience.  They are in the business of reelecting Dems and that's it.

Tags: The NAACP is in the business of reelecting Dems NOT helping black people  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Complaints about "Voter ID Laws" are just a distraction from Black & Hispanic unemployment

Here is the bad news:  You will hear a lot about voter ID laws for another 4 months.

Here is the good news:  You won't hear any more about this after November.

The Dems have a huge problem and it is called "minority unemployment".  

The latest jobs report puts Black unemployment at 14% and 11% for Hispanics.  It is a lot more than that for young people, specially now that they will have to compete with the 800,000 "dreamers" that Pres BO legalized a few weeks ago.  (Remember The Dream Act that a Dem majority in the Senate & Congress could not pass?)

So what do you do when you have "ZERO" ideas to reduce unemployment in minority communities?  What do you do after Friday's jobs report?

You talk about voter ID laws and revive the ghost of "Jim Crow"!

AG Holder is leading the charge against Voter ID laws in Texas.  However, you had to show a "photo ID" to get in to see AG Holder.    

AG Holder's dishonesty is clear, as indicated by today's WSJ editorial:

"Mr. Holder knows his charge is buncombe. 

The Texas law stipulates that voters can use several kinds of ID to vote, including a driver's license, passport, a U.S. military ID and (this being Texas) a handgun permit. As for the "poll tax" canard, the law says the Texas Department of Public Safety will issue a free Election Identification Card if requested. 
The AG knows all this, or should know it, because it is contained in a January 12 letter from the Texas Director of Elections to the Justice Department. He also knows, or should know before he throws around racially incendiary language, that the poll tax charge was raised and rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court when it upheld a similar Indiana voter ID law in 2009. 

The charge was also rejected by a lower federal court in Georgia.  
Mr. Holder's wallowing in a Jim Crow metaphor to score political points is a discredit to his department, to the rule of law, and to the nonracist country that 45 years after the Voting Rights Act made him its chief law enforcement officer."

So true.  We repeat that this is not about voting or civil rights.  This is about a Dem party that can not explain why Black & Hispanic unemployment is going up and up 3 years after the Dem party passed a $1 trillion "stimulus".

Click here for our conversation with Alicia Colon:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Complaints about "Voter ID Laws" are just a distraction from Black & Hispanic unemployment  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Alicia Colon is a great conservative columnist

Over the last few years, I've enjoyed reading Alicia Colon's columns.  I finally had a chance to interview her.

She recently wrote a post:   Obama Using Hispanics As Patsies

We discussed Pres BO's record, a rather pathetic one to say thel least.  You have 11% unemployment in Hispanic communities, lousy public schools and small businesses are suffering.

Click here for our chat with Alicia Colon:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Alicia Colon is a great conservative columnist  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!