Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wouldn't you spank your kid if he was whining like Pres BO?

Please consider these examples.

Let's say that a Cowboys coach was still blaming the defensive line's errors on the guy that he replaced 4 years ago.  ("I inherited the worst defense in history.....")  How long do you think that Jerry Jones, or any other professional sports team owner, would put up with that?

Let's say that a plant manager was still blaming the production problems in one of the lines on the guy that he replaced 4 years ago.  ("I inherited a mess.....")  How long do you think that ownership or senior management would put up with that?

Welcome to the life and times of Pres BO.  He has now reduced himself to a child, or an out of control individual who can longer deal with the reality that he has been president for the last 4 years.  (Can someone tell BO that he won the '08 election?)

Yesterday, Pres BO told another fundraiser that he inherited a "trillion dollar deficit."  

What is the problem with that statement?

First, he voted for everything that was on that budget that he inherited.  Can someone tell me what in that budget Senator Obama voted against?

Furthermore, Pres Bush's federal budget deficits were 2.7% of GDP over an 8 year period.  So far, Pres BO has been close to 10% of GDP, or 3 times bigger!   (We want the Bush deficits)

Second, Pres BO expanded the size of government, and the budget, way beyond anything that he "inherited".  Our friends at Power Line have the story:

"Virtually upon entering office, Obama signed off on enormous spending programs including the monumental stimulus bill. This included a $410 billion omnibus spending bill that Bush had refused to sign before he left office involving mind-boggling expansions of federal agencies such as the EEOC. More here and here.

The putative importance of deficit spending has been a doctrinal keystone of the administration. It gave us the trillion dollar stimulus program that held unemployment below 8 percent. At least it gave us the trillion dollar stimulus program. Remember, Mr. President, you didn’t want to let a crisis go to waste?

Obama’s blaming his predecessor for his own record as his first time comes to a close is incredibly unbecoming."

Presidents have inherited a lot of problems over the years.   Frankly, is anything that Pres BO "inherited" in January '09 close to what Pres Lincoln inherited in 1861, or Pres FDR in 1933 or Pres Reagan in '81?

Furthermore, Pres Bush inherited a recession following the collapse of the "dotcom" economy in the spring of 2000.  He also inherited a mess in Iraq (Saddam was shooting at US-UK planes enforcing UN resolutions) and a total indifference toward terrorism by the Clinton administration.

Did you ever hear Pres Bush blame 9-11 on the afformentioned indifference toward terrorism?  We were attacked over and over during the Clinton years without a proper response.  Did you ever hear Pres Bush blame Pres Clinton?

The bottom line is that presidents are elected to fix not whine about problems.  

Do you recall any other president still blaming his predecessor in the 4th year of his presidency?

We tell our kids to grow up and stop whining.  We teach them to accept responsibility and grow up.

My guess is that the voters will do the same with Pres BO in November.  

You will hear the "big electoral spank" on Election Night '12!

Check out the Wednesday show:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Wouldn't you spank your kid if he was whining like Pres BO? To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

The "BO coalition" is cracking up because it was all a big fairy tale

We've come a long way from that summer of '08 & the "irrational welcome" in Germany or "groupies" cheering the new president in January '09.

I guess that results matter after all.

This is a sample from this week's headlines:

1) Germany, the place where Euro-BO-mania  had its start:

"Germans were ecstatic when Barack Obama took over the keys to the White House from George W. Bush. Now, though, a new Pew Research Center survey shows that disillusionment with the US president is widespread in Germany and that Obama has not lived up to the high expectations Europeans had of him." (Spiegel)

I guess that the Germans don't like the fact that GITMO is still open, the Bush plan was followed in Iraq, we escalated Afghanistan and now we learned that Pres BO picks what terrorist to blow up.

My reaction:  Were Germans really that stupid?  Were these people so drunk on Bush Derangememnt Syndrome to believe that a US president would change our anti-terror policies?

Pres BO does not have "a message problem" anymore than Pres Carter had a "message problem" back in 1980.  This is not about message.  This is about results and the growing perception that Pres BO is in over head.

3) We heard complaint after complaint in the recent Cartagena meeings that Pres BO does not have a Latin American policy.  From Mexico to Argentina, there are real concerns that Pres BO is disconnected.

 4) Last, but not least, there are more signs that Pres BO has a "base" problem.  The left is not energized for some of the same reasons that the aforementioned Germans are disappointed.  The American left fell in love with a guy who had never accomplished anything and now can't understand why he can't accomplish anything.  For more analysis on this read Jay Cost's latest post.

It wasn't supposed to be this way but it is.  

Click to hear the Wednesday show with Barry Casselman:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: The "BO coalition" is cracking up because it was all a big fairy tale To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!