Friday, June 08, 2012

Wisconsin will be the beginning of the end for public school teachers' unions

We are not sure today whether Wisconsin's vote will have an impact on the 2012 election.  My guess is that it will but the election is still 5 months away.

The recall vote will have a huge impact on cities and states.  

Gov Walker challenged the public sector unions and he beat them.  

Put me down as one who believes that Gov Walker's "spine" will be an inspiration for city and state governments strangled by pensions and out of control public sector union contracts.  (We saw San Jose & San Diego pass tough measures on pension reform

At the end of the day, it will be parents who will benefit the most.  You will see more and more mayors and governors call for school reform and to blow up the teachers' unions monopoly over education.

As we posted before, it's time to let the parents choose their kids' schools.  They are the paying the taxes so why shouldn't they choose where their kids go to school?  Besides that, the inner city schools are not doing a good job!

I agree with Dick Morris:

"But even the fall of the power of public employee unions fails to capture the full extent of the impact of the Walker victory.

Its most important impact is on America’s schools. By elbowing teacher unions aside and permitting local school boards to abolish teacher tenure and insist on merit pay and school choice, the Walker reforms open the door to a vast and rapid improvement in educational quality throughout the nation. No other education reforms have worked. Now we have no choice but to insist on competition at every level of our educational establishment to improve the product. Teachers must compete for jobs and higher pay even as their schools compete for students. It is the only way we have left that can raise student performance.

The sun is shining and Walker won!"

Click here for the Thursday show:

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It is a shame that many Dems are covering AG Holder rather than thinking about the people killed by the Fast & Furious guns

We saw on Thursday another pathetic performance by AG Holder before the US Congress.

We saw a man who is either a fool or a liar.  It's hard to believe that AG Holder did not know or is surrounded by such incompetent people.  Where does the "buck" stop in the Justice Department?

AG Holder incredibly said that references to "Fast & Furious" in a communication are not really references to "Fast & Furious".  We are talking about an e-mail from October 2010.

I agree with Power Line:

"Holder isn’t an idiot; he knows that what he is saying makes no sense. 

His longstanding claim that he and other senior DOJ officials didn’t know about Fast and Furious until after Terry’s murder is shown to be a lie by the Weinstein/Trusty emails and other evidence, of which Holder is well aware. 

In effect, he is sneering at Congress, secure in the knowledge that his misconduct will go unreported by the administration’s friends in the press. 

It really is a disgusting spectacle."

Yes, it is disgusting, specially the part about Dems defending AG Holder.

We need for one Dem to stand up and call for AG Holder to resign.  Are you listening Senator Lieberman?

Click here for our Thursday show:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: It is a shame that many Dems are covering AG Holder rather than thinking about the people killed by the Fast & Furious guns     To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!