Friday, June 01, 2012

The "war on women" theme has completely backfired on Pres BO & the feminist Dems

We learned this week that more and more women are turning to Gov Romney.

To be fair, Pres BO will get the majority of the female vote, specially single women.  He will also do well with black and Hispanic women.  (Cuban-American women will vote Romney)

The issue here is that Pres BO will not enjoy the kind of advantage with women that he had in 2008.   

Why isn't Pres BO clicking with women? 

My guess is that women, better than anyone else, do not like to buy a bad product the second time around.    Also, women are usually the ones who put gasoline in our cars.   My wife is furious every time that she has to pay high gasoline prices!

Second, the attacks on Anne Romney have turned off, and motivated, lots of mothers to show up in November.  (My friend Barry Casselman thinks that attacking Anne Romney will go down as one of the dumbest political tactics ever.  So far Barry is right!)

Third, the Dems' "Julia" power point show was so stupid.  It was the story of a woman who has babies without a husband and depends on government (Pres BO) from the cradle to the grave.  How many of you want your sister or daughter to grow up to be like Julia?

It was an insulting portrayal of women, as Melanie Strum wrote recently:

"Julia is a single, faceless cartoon – evidently an American everywoman – who depends on European-like, cradle-to-grave government assistance from pre-school through retirement. 

As if being tethered to a dependency-inducing nanny-state were attractive to American women  (or plausible given mounting debt) Julia, like her entitled European cousin, is the anti-Mary -- she can’t make it on her own.
Sadly, this government-centered and soul-deadening narrative is as false and harmful to women as the notion that we should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Both beget a toxic cocktail of subservience, loss of identity and worthlessness -- the antithesis of feminism.  

Franklin Roosevelt cautioned that dependence “induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber”…and “the human spirit.” "

The "war on women" theme has also failed because of the attacks on The Catholic Church with mandates about abortion.   My guess is that most women believe that women, not the government, should pay for birth control pills.

Click here for our chat with Melanie Strum, Alice Linahan & Theresa Blake:

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