Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The left wants to talk about everything except Pres BO's record

It's hard to remember an election quite like this one.  

We may want to think of 1980 when Pres Carter was an unpopular incumbent.  However, Pres Carter led in the polls until the last few days.

We may want to remember 2004 when Pres Bush ran as the incumbent.  However, Pres Bush never ran away from his record.

So what does 2012 look like?  I don't recall a recent election like this.  I just can't recall the last time that an incumbent was so busy distracting his voters, and the rest of us, from his record.

The economic front is confusing.  We continue to see these jobs reports that confirm that a lot of people have giving up on looking for work.  This is why you get an unemployment rate going down at the same time that more and more people have quit looking.

The foreign policy front is more confusing.  Yes, Pres BO has continued most the anti-terror policies, including GITMO.  However, there is a sense around the world that Pres BO is not leading.  You get the feeling that a lot of foreign leaders wish that he had a little more "Bush" in him.

Distraction is now the tactic.  It started with the "war on women" and it has moved into "same sex marriage".  

Gov Romney has played this smart.  He is not getting into "social issues" debates with the Obama campaign.  He has kept a distance and focused on the economy.

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