Monday, May 14, 2012

It's early but Pres BO has a few problems

The election is about 6 months away and Pres BO is under 50% in just about every poll.  

Bill Katz discussed a recent story by Peter Hart, the very respected pollster.  He sees a very difficult campaign ahead for Pres BO.

Pres BO's biggest advantages are incumbency and a news media still in the tank for him.  (Just read the recent front page Washington Post piece on Mitt Romney)

Pres BO's major weakness is his record.  He can't run on his record and that's why we get "a distraction a week", from the "war on women", the scare tactics against "hispanos" and GOP wants to throw your grandmother off the cliff.

Pres BO also has a "average white guy" problem, as Selena Zito points out.    Pres BO's problem is that Ohio, PA and lots of other critical states are full of these guys.

We are still 6 months away and things could change.  However, this is not the place where any incumbent wants to be as we approach Memorial Day.

Click here for our chat with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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